St. Paul’s is a small church but our efforts are huge! We impact the local and global community. Come and see us for your spiritual growth and volunteer opportunity!
Join us for Sunday church service:
8 a.m. / Union Chapel
MD Route 97 and Union Chapel Road, Glenwood, 21738
9 a.m. / St. Andrews’ Parish House
2892 MD Route 97, Glenwood, 21738
or at 10:30 am/St. Paul’sPoplar Springs or on Facebook live.
Adult Christian Formation will be every Sunday at 9:30 at St. Paul’s from September through May!
Interim Rector – Reverend Dr. Katrina Grusell
Associate Priest In Charge- Reverend Jennifer Grimelli
Deacon -Reverend Amy Shimonkevitz
Accompanist – Aaron Broderick
Parish Administrator- Lynda Sheckels
Executive Committee
Senior Warden – Jeff Spaulding
Junior Warden – Pete McIntosh
Treasurer – Linda Sharp
Registrar – Sarah Penkert
Vestry – Bill Toole, Thom Probus, Dick Wilcher, Len Morgan, Sarah Morgan and Jessica Penkert
Office hours Monday through Thursday 9 am to noon – 410 489 4411
Our Mission: To carry the good news of Jesus Christ into the community by word and deed and to help all people experience God’s presence in their daily lives.