Lasagna Dinner was a terrific time of fellowship – Thanks for coming out!
St. Francis Day – Blessing of the Animals-A beautiful day for Blessings!
What a wonderful 141st Birthday party for St. Paul’s!
Thanks for attending the Special Spring Market Day! We appreciate your being with us!
Please plan on coming next year!
The Easter Egg Hunt was a success!
Lenten Studies have been wonderful!
prayer beads, hymns, chanting, meditating, the labyrinth, prayer through art, and more!
Thanks for coming to the Lasagna Dinner January 27!
December Events were wonderful!
Bishop Carrie visited, Reverend Jennifer and Len Morgan took goodies to the Seafarers in Baltimore,
The Christmas Crafternoon was delightful!
Many Thanks for supporting the CROP walk!
The Easter Egg Hunt was delightful!
Thanks for coming to the Pancake Supper!
Great food and wonderful fellowship!
Christmas Eve Service was beautiful!
A Beautiful Baptismal day!
On January 19, 2021, St. Paul’s Episcopal Church joined President-Elect Joseph Biden and churches across the country in a memorial to the more than 400,000 U.S. citizens who have perished over the past year as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. While President-Elect Biden was leading a memorial service on the Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool in Washington D.C. as part of his inaugural activities, he asked congregations across the country to join in the memorial by tolling their church bells forty times at 5:30 p.m. in remembrance and celebration of those who have passed and their families who now mourn. St. Paul’s participated in the effort (hear attached recording) while members of the congregation paused in their homes in a collective moment of silence.