Save the Dates:
St. Paul’s Church 2024-2025
March 4, 5pm– Pancake Supper
April 20, noon – Easter Egg Hunt
May 3, 11 -2– Special Spring Market Day
A Prayer for Those Affected by the Coronavirus
O God of compassion, giver of life and health, we pray your healing mercies upon all who are in any way affected by the outbreak of the COVID-19 coronavirus. Comfort and sustain those who have been stricken; relieve their pain, and restore to them your gifts of gladness and strength. Grant to all in authority the courage to make wise decisions that are essential for the common good, and strengthen them to lead institutions that care for those whom they serve. Watch over all first responders and those in the medical professions whose duty it is to care for the sick; guard them from all danger, and keep them safe in the knowledge that it is through their sacrifice and service that the health of the whole community is promoted. Mercifully accept these our prayers, O God of all comfort, and our only help in time of need. Amen.
The Right Reverend Eugene Taylor Sutton